More butterflies and moths

Following on from noticing last month that our Buddlejah was attracting a few lepidopterids, the bush is is heavy bloom now and is the centre of a cloud of insects.  At one point yesterday I counted 14 Common Browns (Heteronympha merope) feeding at one time.

I was quite proud of this first image as it shows the proboscis so clearly.
Then I found this, which really has a bit of detail.
There has been a hatch of Imperial Jezabels (Delias harpalyce) somewhere in the vicinity as there were usually 3 or 4 of them fluttering around.
A day later I got a shot (from about 5m below and 5m horizontal) a lower quality shot of a Jezabel dining on Eucalyptus macrorhyncha blossom.
Note also the plague soldier beetle (Chauliognathus lugubris).

The final butterfly photographed was a Meadow Argus (Junonia villida).
Thus far I have been unable to attach a name to the small moth in the lower RH.  I suspect it is some form of Tiger Moth (Arctiidae).


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