ANPS does Touga Rd in Autumn

Alternative titles considered for this post were:
  • ANPS phinds a fasmid; or
  • How to fry orchids.
Both seemed a tad obscure and, as regular readers will know, I hate obscurity in my writing.  Thus, it is what it is.

We left Bungendore pretty much on time and headed for Nerriga.  Once we passed the metropolis of Tarago (population 351) I was astonished at the amount of water still in Lake Bathurst.  However we were on a mission so pressed on towards Nerriga.  The next excitement was the massive roadworks going down on the dirt stretch before Oallen Ford, which riverine spot was followed by a black ex-pig in the middle of the road.

Move right along folks, there is nothing to watch here!  We crossed the Endrick River and ascended to the first stop at Bulee Gap.

The stop enabled to get a snap of Acacia terminalis, which we had noted in good bloom along the way.
 A couple of beans were photographed by me and ID'd for the group.  This first is Phyllota phylicoides ...
 .. and after some consideration of alternatives this was said to be Aotus ericoides.
Off to one side of the sandstone ledge I found Banksia paludosa heading towards flowering.
We then headed to the next stop on the old highway where Touga Rd turns off.  The main objective here was the Corunastylis superba found on the weekend by our colleagues from the Shoalhaven and Robbo.  Thanks to Alan and Denis for the tip: this was one of those near the sign.
 (With regard to the other landmark of "old beer bottles" we were a tad embarrassed for choice in the glassware department, and the orchids there remained undisturbed.)

I found a Banksia ericifolia coming into flower, as did a passing ant.
We then moved on to the main target area above The Jumps.  When we last visited the area there seemed to be many leaves and rosettes of orchids coming along and we had hoped hat we could find many species of Autumn flowering species.  Alas poor orchids, 40C and rock shelves fry them well.  We did find a lot of Speculantha glyphida but that was all. Drat.
 There were quite a few other flowers including Boronia rigens
 ... Olax stricta ..
 .. and Dillwynnia ramosissima.
Finally a couple of insects appeared.  After much searching close to home trying to rediscover an undescribed species a typical but very large stick insect was found.
 Then Frances found this Botany Bay Weevil Chrysolopus spectabilis.
 Actinotus minor is one of those plants in which the name is way longer than the flower!
As the area was a bit quiet we headed back to the Endrick River to try to find some other orchids.  We failed,   I did find this, which I believe to be a Solanum and thus possibly a weed and beneath contempt.
 Heading for home, and being a passenger I took this very poor shot of a sandstone pagoda.
We crossed the Endrick and, indue course the Shoalhaven at Oallen Ford.


Denis Wilson said…
Looks good.
Glad you found the "superba", even if not the right beer bottles. There is a surfeit of choices.
Nice call on the Speculantha glyphida. That will almost certainly be an extension of range. Perhaps you could send that photo and any others to Alan, with a Google Earth reference?

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