Towns of the Lachlan: Day 3

Actually this starts late afternoon on Day 2 when we arrived at the campground in Parkes, rented a site and got the tent out just as it started to rain. So that is one tradition in hand. The second tradition is that every peg seemed to hit a rock and bend as I tried putting them in. Much bad language was used I am afraid. We ate our evening meal sitting in the car munching on prawns, with me being very negative about the town of Parkes and its poxy weather. We climbed into our sleeping stuff about 8:30 and found the rain stopped just about then. We had a reasonable nights sleep until about 6am when we got up and made some coffee. Apart from the crappy weather, days are now getting short so the sun didn't really rise until after 7 which made serious packing a bit difficult However we had everything stowed away by 8am and headed for Memorial Hill. Here is the view from the hill. Rather flat isn't it! Th...