ANPS does O'Connor

Today, 14 March, the ANPS visited O'Connor Ridge.  While the traffic wasn't as bad as getting into Tallong from the Hume Hwy it was rather horrendous but we seemed to have all made it.  Here is my take on the event.

Proving that Summer didn't happen, but we shifted from Spring directly to Winter here is an image of Acacia genistifolia flowering IN MARCH!!
 I am not sure of the seasonality of Astroloma flowering, but it is rather snazzy!
 This is probably the first ever photograph of Entalyptus rossii.
Also new to science, at the sub-specific level, is this orchid.  It is obviously Eriochilus cucculatus but from its proximity to the GDE (Gunghastly Dumb Extension) I have decided it is E. c. dieseliphilia.  (I did wonder if it was E. c. petroleumhead but concluded that would be found in rockier areas.)
Let us have a squizz at some fungi.  The first is totally unknown to me.
So is the second, but I thought that growing in bark in Euc. rossii was unusual
Next we have a couple of snaps of Russula rosea.  these were very common through the walk.  Thanks to Graeme for inspiring me to look them up in Fuhrer, and in agreeing with my conclusion.

Omphalina chromacea were everywhere.  With luck, and good lighting, this shot emphasises the green algae with which the species is symbiotic.
Let us move on to insects.  I'll begin with a couple of shots of a Dragonfly that posed nicely on a bush.

Then a crummy, out of focus, image of a blue Damselfly (note the wings fold along the body, not perpendicular thereto)
Now we look at insects snuffling in the flowers of a Eucalyptus macrorhyncha.   Following comments by Ian Fraser about the importance of ants as pollinators of native plants it was good to find them doing the business,  ...
 as well as bees
I am always keen to prove this blog is not legist.  Thus here is a shot of a spider (6 legs good, 8 legs better), somewhat disturbed from its web, but still not totally hunched.


Whirlwind said…
The link worked fine. Fantastic pics of the dragonflies.

From Gail in Bilgola
Back home in April.
Whirlwind said…
The link worked Martin
From Gail in Bilgola
Back home in April
Wally said…
I especially like the insect photos.
Flabmeister said…
Thanks Mac. There weren't a whole lot of flowers to photograph!

Flabmeister said…
Thanks Gail. For reasons known only to the fevered imagination of an IT algorithm maker your message was rated as spam (which it clearly isn't). I have only just checked that folder and thus the over-delayed reply.


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