Native flowers get in on the act

After yesterday's foray around our garden, today we went for a Wednesday Walk in the Queanbeyan escarpment/Cuumbeun Nature reserve area.  Quite a few species were flowering.

Acacia genistifolia

Astroloma humifusum

Cryptandra propinqua

Dillwynia sieberi

Grevillea lanigera

Hakea decurrens

Hovea heterophylla

 Leucopogon attenuatus

Melichrys urceolatus
And finally a couple of fungi.  OK they aren't flowers, they aren't even plants, but they grow in the soil (most/many of them).
Ramaria sp.

The Green Skinhead (Dermocybe austroveneta) which is a Fungimap Target species!!


Denis Wilson said…
Hi Martin
Did you notice how many of your plants have hard, spiky leaves?
Says something about your climate, I figure, and the need to prevent moisture loss firstly, (hard coatings) and then grazing by herbivores (spiky tips).
In my area, most plants have soft round green leaves.
But down on the sandstone plateau, they look a bit more like yours.
Adaptation is a wonderful thing.
Nice photos. I love the furry Leucopogon Flower above all.
Flabmeister said…
Thinking back to my studies of matters biological (and that is waaaayyyyy back)I recall that reducing leaves to spikes is also an adaptation to prevent water loss. I think it is something to do with minimising the ratio of surface area to leaf volume.

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