Birding webcams

Of course, with these sites make sure it is daylight at the site when you wish to access then!

I have just followed a link from Denis Wilson's blog to a webcam at an Osprey nest in Finland.  Spectacular images of an adult sitting on the edge of the nest with two fat chicks in the nest!

I then tried to look up the Falcons of Water St in Manhattan.  The camera has been turned off for the season, but the news is rather good with 4 eyasses fledging this year.


Denis Wilson said…
Hi Martin
Thanks for telling me that the Finnish Osprey Cam was "live" again.
I lost half an hour this morning, wathing them eat a fish brought in by one of the adults.
Nice big fat chicks, aren't they?
Flabmeister said…
I'd say "invested" rather than "lost".



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