A day of weeds (mainly)

The day started off very well.
 As we did our tour-de-block with Tammy we were struck by this swathe of Xerochrysum viscosum, which is having a brilliant year.
 I started my chores by carting a load of pine pruning up to an erosion gully.
 They were duly dumped in!
 A few years back the electricity provider knocked over a copse of  Acacia dealbata which was growing right under the lines.  Last year they finally chipped most of what they had knocked down.  his meant I could get in there this year with my brushcutter and deal with the regrowth.
 Here it is dealt with!
 There is still a bit more work to do to cart stuff away but it is an improvement.

Nearby some Blue Devils (Eryngium ovinum) were growing vigorously .
 Less pleasing were these bad St Johns Wort.
 They were transformed into better St Johns Wort by the simple process of adding them to my pile.
It was then time to break out the brickies hammer ...
 .. and go talk to some bad thistles ...
 ... which were changed into better thistles ...
 ... and eventually best thistles , joining the wort on the pile.

For the past couple of days we have been graced with the noisy and amusing presence of a clan of 12 White-winged Choughs.  Today they were very close to the house and it was obvious that some of them were fairly fresh out of the nest.
 I think this is an adult squawking at one of the juveniles. Note the demonic red eye!
 The whole clan spent much of the early evening perched on the lattice around our septic tank.
Sunset decided to compete with sunrise.


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