Some native flowers of Carwoola

On the last day of Spring (official definition - in my view the last day of the first month of Summer is better) I went for a stroll round the block to see what was flowering.  Without counting the swathes of Xerochrysum viscosum in the top paddock the answer was " a reasonable amount of stuff".  Here are ones of which I managed to get fair images.

At the start of December I would expect the Kunzea ericoides to be coming into bud.  Indeed that is the case with most plants.
However, a fair number of buds have already opened to the delight of the ants.  In this sample the reddish colour of some of the receptacles suggest the flower has already been fertilised.
Small Goodenia hederacea were common in the ground layer.
The only orchids I found were Microtis unifolia.  This was a reasonably recently opened specimen ...
 .. while this image shows the "gone over" state of the huge specimen found further up the block.
Out in the top paddock there were some small asters as well as the "stickies".  This is Chrysocephalum apiculatum.
This is C, semipapposum.
We are always interested to find some Blue Devils (Eryngium ovinum).
 While their blue flowers and thistle-looking appearance are fascinating in their own right this time I had a good hard look at the detail of the flowers.  I found this astonishing in detail.
It is normally against my principles to mention grasses.  Phrases such as "cow food" spring to my mind (and mouth).  However this Joycea pallida (yes, I know the forces of evil have renamed it, but the next tuxedonomist (sic) will change it back) had enough apprent detail to overcome my prejudice.
As did this unidentified specimen.  Plus a bonus fly.


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