Few cyclists on West Basin?

We have done a lap of the West Basin of Lake Burley Griffin a few times recently. Frances felt like a longer walk, and suggested that the weather on 31 December would be pretty good, if we started early. She also thought that as the Public Service shuts down over Christmas (and most of Canberra heads for the South Coast) there would be few other users of the track. So we arrived at Black Mountain Peninsula at 8:05 and took off. At the foot of the Peninsula a fmily was spending a peaceful time fishing off the launching pontoon of one of the boat clubs. People were also paddling canoes, rowing shells and sailing on the Lake. Very good to see it getting used in such peaceful ways. After about 500m we came across this colourful entity sitting on a rock. It was a Gippsland Water Dragon. The Dragon bit is pretty straightforward, and the water was soon proven, .. but we are about 200km in a straight line from the nearest part of Gippsland....