Official visit to Dalton

As readers of this blog will know we have a project of visiting every town in NSW.  In part, a town is defined as somewhere on the Register of War Memorials in NSW.  Dalton meets that criterion so this is an 'official visit'.
It is always sad when most of the points of interest are 'former ...'.  However with a population of 100 it is hard to see Dalton supporting several shops these days when it is only 10 minutes from the centre of Gunning.

The Anglican Church dates from 1878 and has an official plaque as an historic building.
The flower beds in the churchyard were very pleasant.   Other parts of the town were similarly endowed, making the mess of the cemetery even more puzzling.
This sign commemorates a famous trotter who came from the area.  As it held various world records the sign is well merited.
The scuptures outside the Royal Hotel were amusing.
The relatively modern village Hall.
The Methodist Church was earlier, by 20 years, than the Anglican Church.  One of the War Memorials is inside.
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