If not playing cricket ....

... ducks are good!

I took yet another load to the green waste at the Bungendore Cultural Centre today.  On the way back I paused at Darmody's Dam on Trucking Yard Lane to check the fowl.
 From the left we have
  • 2 of the 29 Plumed Whistling Ducks (which have returned after spending most of Summer elsewhere)
  • 1 of 25 Pacific Black Duck
  • 5 of the 60 Grey Teal and 
  • 2 of 2 Australian Shelduck (no idea where the rest of the flock are).
Just out of image were this group.
When I took the photo I thought it might show the difference between female Grey and Chestnut  Teal but the bird at the back is far too dark.  Its a male Chestnut Teal coming out of eclipse plumage.

This one has made that journey.
Fortunately Mallacoota comes to the rescue with 2 pairs of Chestnut Teal.  Compare the females in the next image with the Grey Teal above.

I did a tour of the Plain on the way home to see if there was anything exciting.  Not really, but this modest-sized flock of starlings were a good sign of the season.


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