Lake Cargellligo Day 3 (back home)

Honeyeater of the day: Hard to get a nominee!  In the end the Yellow-throated Miner which nearly flew into the camper got a gong.
Other bird of the day:  LOTZA entries here.  Variegated Fairy-wren, Zebra Finch, White-breasted Woodswallow all took a stroll on the technicolour floor covering.  However the winner has to be White-winged Fairy-wren.  Gorgeous colouring, never seen in Canberra, several of them and posed brilliantly.  Pity about my photograph.
Plant of the day:  Bulbine lily (also a contender for icon of Spring but this category was short on nominees).)
Icon of Spring  Bouncy lambs in green pastures
Icon of the Wild West:  Humungous tractors going about their business (and being very cooperative on the highways).   Rustics in the UK should note the parenthesis and lift their game more than somewhat. 

I had one of the worst nights sleep ever. Pretty strong winds, very noisy dogs and toothache.  Fun, fun, fun.  Whatever, I got up and we packed up, going back to the poo-pits for a second lap.

We have worked on the principle that as:
  • there are no signs saying no dogs; 
  • Tammy is always on the lead; and
  • she doesn't poke out of the vegetation so doesn't scare the birds
... it is OK to take her in there.  The reaction of other birders seemed to confirm this: pats for her and polite hints on where birds were to be found.

The first birds advised were Crimson Chats.  Not only did they deliver but they posed long enough to get the telescope on them.  That was needed as they were too far off for photos.  So I have inserted one from Avibase (thank you, Mark Sanders).
We were rather surprised to see 2 large (25cm) turtle carapaces.  This is about twice the size of the beasts around Carwoola so it is probably a different species.  It was very stinky!
 I have talked about White-winged Fairy Wrens above.  I thought I might be able to get a photo from 25m: you be the judge!
 Nah: that's naff.  Back to Avibase and thanks to David Cook.
As we rumbled down the road towards Rankins Springs I noticed some white bushes and went to investigate.  Before I got there I found what looked to me like Bulbine bulbosa.  They are in range.
 Here is the white bush: yet another variation on white daisy (or aster).  This one was a low shrub rather than a herb.
 The Rankins Springs War Memorial was not hard to find.  I wonder why it wasn't in the Register?

There was lots of birding activity around the area but I couldn't find any contact details.  Perhaps next trip.

Pointing ourselves towards West Wyalong we came across the burg of Weethalle.  They had a Memorial in the Register.

What they need is a guide to pronouncing the name!

A pause in Temora to fill up with fuel - still 115.9 - but at Woolies less 4 cents.  On down the road wondering about the storm we drove through at Yass which had'n't dampened the road after Murrumbateman!  On home for a top up with aspirin before going to the dentist tomorrow.


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