Art, street and otherwise, and birder training

We recently saw an article in the Canberra Times (by the cynical Ian Warden) about a weekend sculpture show in Rennie St, Downer.  This had to be looked at and here are a few of the 32 works on display.

The first example was on the corner of Swinden St.  It is by Andy Townsend and Suzie Bleach and titled Adrift - so the surfboard shape on the ground is possibly more important than the horse!
 There were several works here which we had seen at the Lambrigg show.  This is one by Ann McMahon but not, I think, the one to which our willows contributed.
 Mix Antony Gormley and Rosalie Gascoigne and you end up with Angel of the Inner North.  (For those not familiar with Canberra idioms areas are referred to as "Norh or South of Lake Burley Griffin and Inner or Outer.  I'd have thought Downer was Outer North, but perhaps it was made at ANU which is definitely Inner.)
 Another recognised work, by our friend Mike MacGregor, in the foreground.   The cuboid shape in the midground was titled Hope Springs Eternal by Teffany Theideman while the blue stuff on the - unoccupied - house in the background was a velcro manifestation of  that popular piece "Untitled".
 On this occasion the previously seen work is the dogs in the background.   The poles reminded me of the fence posts decorated by Frances and her sister at our place!
 Another untitled.
Given the current predilection of the ACT Government for :

  1. requiring permits for everything; and
  2. refusing to grant said permits for any perceived safety risk

I am surprised that a Jobsworth hasn't been around to make hrrumphing noises about flammmable string and feathers being near a street light.  Perhas it was erected on Saturday morning when Jobsworths aren't active?

Certainly Jobsworth could find grounds to grumble about the traffic hazards implicit in a fake road sign.  Although the message is very sound, as is the title "Trouble Ahead".
The street wasn't crowded but there were a good number of people moving through so "well done that boy!" to Stephen Harrison, the organiser.

We then moved on to the more formal element of the Canberra art world.  This is a small Gallery in ANU which gets really interesting exhibitions.  Ben Quilty is a major artist, having won an Archibald prize, but also seems to be a country boy at heart: he lives in Robertson.
Obviously I didn't take pictures inside the gallery, and have even abided by the comment in the catalogue that the image therein are copyright.  However this was on Ben's website with no copy prohibition and thus fair game for reproduction.  It is entitled "Lead Shot Rorschach" and refers to finding lead shot as evidence of a massacre of indigenous folk in the past.  The Rorschach element of the name refers to the technique of mirror imaging the works.  I think the grey 'speech bubble' reflects the shot.  I have no idea what the red entity represents but something like it appears in a number of his recent works.

Overall, the exhibition was very interesting.  I particularly liked the inclusion of one work by his very young son, and the inclusion of a copy of a Zombie image by said kid in one of Ben's works.

As we left the halls of academe this streetscape appealed to me for some reason.  Possibly it was the sky or the perspective leading to the School of Art, or the typically weekend-crowded Canberra thoroughfare?
 Our next stop was to visit with daughter, her husband, and grand-daughter Arabella.  A view was expressed that at this juncture she was trying to eat the window frame, but I think she was imply intrigued by t=her reflection in the window.
 Frances and I took her off for a stroll along the shore of the lake. I wondered if she'd be interested in the waterbirds.  A Eurasian Coot didn't get her attention.
The movement of a flock of Silver Gulls seemed to do the job ...
 ... for a little while but then the photographer became interesting again.
The Black Swan decided we were not going to offer it food so ignored us, which level of attention was returned by Arabella.
 As we headed for home we noticed these tasteful apartments between ANU and the Centre of Civic.  Something was missing.
Then we realised: in a third world country of which the architecture is, in a nuanced way, referenced by these buildings there would be washing on all the balconies!


Flabmeister said…
I received a comment from my friend Denis on this post, but being a klutz deleted it rather than published it as I intended. Sorry Denis.

He suggested the apartments could be described as Sweet and Sour or Elegant and Ugly. Like us, he wasn't a fan.

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