Mallacoota October 2016 pt 6 Gypsy Point

The plan for today was to pack and head for home, with a brief look at Gypsy Point Cemetery on the way.  (We were to come via Eden so as to pick up goodies at the Smokehouse.)

Our efforts at the house were watched by a White-headed Pigeon - which is just getting rid of its greyish juvenile plumage.
 As it was somewhat cloudy and windy I wondered if the sun orchids (if any) at the Cemetery would be open, despite the temperature being well over 20oC.  Were they ever: I have never seen so many Thelymitra sp.  In this image I have put a pink ring around T. carnea and a blue on a couple of T. ixioides.
I would say there several hundred of both those species in the cemetery.  It is very pleasing that the mowers restrict themselves to the area occupied by graves (perhaps  ~5% of the area of the cemetery).

A close up of one of the larger T. carnea.  OOps, no.  I am advised that the reason it is larger is because it is a hybrid between T. careea and T. ixioides.  The myriad of smaller specimens were T carnea (as were those photographed under the pwerlines earlier in the visit).
 T. ixioides
Another species - to be looked up now we're home.  That would probably have been difficult as it was simply an unspotted T. ixioides.
 A detail of the column of the unknown - in case it helps it to become 'known'.
As an aside, and letting a hobby horse out for a canter round the paddock - I wonder what proportion of DNA is required to cause - or not cause - spots in this species.  My thinking about this is of course related to what is the critical value when looking at DNA difference to split things into species.

 We found one Caleana major.
 There were of course many Glossodia major, including this almost white form.
 One small colony of Diuris orientis (thanks for the expert advice) kept the donkey flag flying.
In one area there were many of these small blue lilies. They have subsequently been identified as Chamaescilla corymbosa.
 A small but colourful moth posed quite well. (The proboscis is visible so it must be in focus!)
 A new large memorial had been erected.
I suspect there is an interesting story as to why this has been erected as it seems to commemorate a number of people who didn't serve overseas!
 The next two plaques were on a columbarium and seem to commemorate local identities with interesting epitaphs.

Just after Nimmitabel I noticed that we had a good view of the snowfields.  I don't recall noticing them from this position in the past, although the mountains are usually visible, cloud permitting, off the Cann River Way towards Bombala.
 On getting home I thought the fuel consumption graph gave an interesting perspective on Brown Mountain.


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