Some blitz comments

No, not referring to the unpleasantness around London in 1940 . This is about a concerted lightning observation of birds around Canberra by members of COG. No explosives were used in this foray, although some would have been handy when I found a gate which had always been openable in past years now had about $200 of padlocks on it! As it was about birds, and specifically breeding birds, I'll start with a couple of avian images. The first is an adult and juvenile Eastern Yellow Robin at Blue Tiles picnic area. As the juvenile begged, and got some food provided this is a breeding record. The second image is from Queanbeyan Sewage Works, with some Great Cormorants nesting on a pontoon in the middle of one of the settling ponds. As a result of the locked gate we had to hike across country. That wasn't all bad as Frances spotted this Blue-tongued Skink This is the first site: a pocket of regenerating native vegetation in a scummy pine forest. ...