Not a drought!

The BoM forecast quite a bit of rain starting about mid-morning on 2 September and going for about 12 hours.  And so it was: we scored 36.6mm in that time.  (I can't show you any radar images as the Captains Flat facility has abandoned the struggle - until at least next Tuesday.)

However here are some images from around the places I have been.  I'll start with a couple of images of Whiskers Creek going under our drive.

This is the paddock at the junction of Whiskers Creek and Widgiewa Rds: basically the ground is just saturated.
 As the next three images show, so is the Hoskinstown Plain.

Not surprisingly the Molonglo is across Briars-Sharrow Rd.  Just before I took this a guy came up the road with a high clearance 4x4 ute, but it looks too close to the wading limit (70cm) of the Pajero for me to have a go.
 A few months back I showed a photo of a sword stuck, Camelot-style, in our dam.  Nearly a metre of it was visible.  Today it was just the bobble on the hilt.
The damp is generating flowers on the Cyanicula caerulens.  After the first flower appeared on Wednesday this morning there were 13 flowers in the main colony and the first two in the colony in the Top Paddock.  While at the latter venue my attention was caught by these clumps of moss.


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