Call this weather?

I will do the usual weather report a tad later in the week but thought that what has been going on for the last couple of days worth mentioning. We haven't had anything like that experienced in South Australia but basically its just been raining steadily, apart from a brief spell of dry on the afternoon of 29 September. It seemed to rain most of the night (but only a few millimetres. Whiskers Creek is running hard, and has done since I took this photo yesterday afternoon. The Molonglo went over Briars Sharrow Rd last evening and now has about 0.5m of water over the road. The current situation is shown in this radar image from 0705; Our place is at the red X. This situation has been effectively stationary since I got up about 0500 and is showing no signs of moving. At 0900 it was still in the same place but the rainfall had greatly reduced. In a Facebook conversation another local commented that "The sponge is full." I think this is what he was...