December 2014 Weather report

I shall do a separate report summarising the overall picture for 2014 and in this report cover the usual topics for the month.


In summary pretty good.  We ended up with 131.4mm which is the most (by only 0.3mm, but that is enough!) we have ever recorded here.  
We recorded >5mm on 7 days in the month with a heaviest fall of 56.8mm on the 6th.  That got Whiskers Creek flowing heavily but it soon calmed down and by the 21st it had run dry, and stayed that way until the end of the month.

During the month I also did a little analysis of some rain rates to look at a couple of storms.  that seemed like an interesting exercise so I have charted the maximum rain rate per dayfor this month.
The rates for 3rd to 6th show these to have been storms rather than showers!


Definitely a Summer month.
We recorded 8 maxima over 30oC, but none were really stinky - the highest temperature was 31.8oC.  At the other end of the scale we had no frosts (the lowest recorded temperature was 5.9oC).  However we do like it to call down so only getting 2 minima of 15 oC or higher was quite pleasant.


As usual the humidity is quite high early in the morning but drops through the day, except when it is (or has recently been) raining.
Looking at the 30 minute humidity readings through the day the mean value drops as expected.  Taking a 1 standard deviation bound around that mean to indicate how variable the humidity was shows that the variability increase through the day but starts to reduce as the mean rises.
I think that is also as expected!


Variable is the word which springs to mind.  A few days were very breezy, such that I didn't go for runs etc.  However I know that the days with winds >30kph here had official readings at the airport of over 60kph and just use this as a comparison between my own records.


I have just come across a website with an interesting offering of weather data.  Here is the basic  screen
Sometime soon I might look at the range os forecasts available from various sites.


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