Bird snaps of January

This post will be a repository of images of birds that don't fit any other post.  I have used the term "images" since many of them aren't good enough quality to describe as photographs.  I have been able to find rationale other than 'operator error' for most of this absent quality.

The honeyeaters continue to visit our Kniphofia (Red-hot Pokers).  Rationale #1: the images were taken from about 20m range through a window.

White-eared Honeyeater
 Eastern Spinebill

 The next image is of a juvenile: note the colour of the throat area in contrast to the image above.
This bird is obviously a fair while out of the nest.  A couple of days ago we had some very fluffy, but well flying, birds in the yard and a family of noisy chicks are still in a nest in a Blue Spruce.

Our red bird bath is getting quite a bit of action as all the other water in the area is drying up (as is the bath, but I refill it every couple of days).  The first shot is an adult White-browed Scrubwren.
Next is a Red-browed Finch.
On 5 January I visited Kelly's Swamp to get an interesting bird for the Bird-a-day project.  There were a good array of species, although as it was mid-day and quite warm things had calmed down a bit compared to earlier in the day.  Rationales available here are #2.1 long range and #2,2 Heat haze.

The first image is a small flock of Australian White Ibis (I won't call them Sacred Ibis because that might annoy a taxonomist: O dear, wot a pity).
Next is a lone Yellow-billed Spoonbill out in the still damp area of the swamp.  The water is still just about deep enough to drown in.
Looking at the leg colour these birds are 2 Yellow-billed (LHS) and 2 Royal (RHS) Spoonbills.
Caspian Terns (my Bird-a-day entry) are quite big as terns go.  These two - rather unusual at Kelly's at any time - are clearly a tad bigger than the Silver Gull but still very much smaller than the Australian Pelican.  The two masked Lapwings in the background are a bonus.
On 8 January I took myself to Dunlop Pond to (successfully) look for a Singing Honeyeater which turned up there.  While in the area I took a few snaps.

This one shows the difference in size between Great and Little Black Cormorants.  Note the yellow facial skin of the Great.
 Red-rumped parrots are sometimes called Grass Parrots.  This lot look more like Concrete Parrots.
 Here are some in grass.  The female is obviously well camouflaged, but the male is also very hard to spot despite its bright colours.


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