Arabella has her 1st birthday

I know some readers are interested in the progress of our grand-daughter so here are a few snaps frm her 1st anniversary.

She made a good, and high speed, entrance.
She is basically a very happy person which I somehow failed to capture on the day.  This image could be interpreted as something along the lines of "Can I swing off that beard?"
The utility of a pink car was immediately grasped!

It was getting close to dinner time, so some roughage was taken as a warm up to Butter Chicken.
Cake - of the chocolate cupcake variety - was also provided and a reasonable proportion of it ended up in her mouth.


Mary Chamie said…
Happy Birthday, Arabella. You are one of the neatest one-year-old chocolate cake eaters we have witnessed in a long time. Good job!
Flabmeister said…
G'day Mary

Truth in advertising time. That was taken at an early stage. By the time she had finished, the high chair looked though it had been used for a cocoa-themed toga party in a low grade Frat House.


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