Late afternoon at the dam (and on the deck)

As regular readers of this blog will have noticed it has been rather dry recently. Our top dam - spring fed - is showing a large rim of mud. The nearest dam is as low as I have ever seen it. This sword - which we found in our garage when we moved in 7 years ago today - was completely under water when the dam was full. I positioned it as a depth gauge and a Camelot joke. I spent about 30 minutes (at 36 o C) sitting by the dam to see what could be seen. A dragonfly was very cooperative in posing for photos. This grasshopper seemed to caught by the wind and landed in a rather damper place than intended. While not exactly a Waterhopper if did seem to be doing a pretty good job of propelling itself towards the bank. I lost sight of it so don't know if it: made the crossing; sank; or was gobbled by a tortoise which I have seen in the dam. Ants seemed able to scoot across the meniscus and climb up twigs. It was interesting that when this o...