The small dog gets checked over (but not out)

The small dog has not been a happy camper over the past few days. She was very lethargic last Wednesday (24 February) so ended up being taken to the vet. He thought it was something to do with her abdomen and gave us some antibiotics for this. She seemed to be improving on Friday and Saturday (able to run OK but still not jumping) but on Sunday morning was really really slow to move. Frances took her for a walk and she only made 200m and had to be carried home. Our usual vet takes Sundays off and their message gave the phone number of the Emergency service. I was off at a Vets Handicap race at the time and when I got home Frances thought the poor dog was dying. After an awful lot of thought I concluded that we couldn't spend the day watching a dog die and despite having heard some unfavourable comments about the Emergency Service we took Tammy off there. In fact they were excellent and x-rayed her, finding the problem to be mineralisation in a t...