The joy of Real Estate (pt 3)

Bunda St.

The big progress there is that we have exchanged contracts.  This means we are very locked in, as are the vendors.  I think we will own the place on 25 November.

We got a surprise late in the piece when it emerged they had leased one of their car parking spots to someone from the Public Service!  They were getting $50 a week, which would be good value for the lessee as most (insecure) parks are $20+ for 6 hours or more.  However we didn't at this stage want to have one of our parks taken up.  Our solicitor, Judy Morris, was on to this and that deal was deleted  in a couple of hours.

Whiskers Creek Rd

We got a Building Inspector round to look at the place.  This was David Navarro of ACTBIS, recommended by our agent.  Here he is on the job:
His conclusions were:

  • the place is structurally sound (a couple of minor issues but the place is OK for ~30 years old);
  • no termite problems - in fact he was very positive about the capping on the piles and treatment of the timber.  This was a big positive.
  • A compliance check found that the wood heater was unapproved  We knew this to be the case because of the incompetence of Palerang Council.  David will assist us to remedy that situation - watch this blog.

On Friday a "For Sale" sign was erected at the junction of Widgiewa and Whiskers Creek Roads.  Then in the evening the local village idiot (a heavily oversubscribed occupation) decided to waste his money doing doughnuts,  Fortunately he missed the sign.
 And a very nice sign it is.  Interestingly a number of agents seem to be going to white based signs rather than navy blue base: presumably someone has done a focus group.  (Or they have worked out that making it clear they aren't the dodgy dark blue mobs is a bonus.)
So the first open inspection was on 27 October at 12 noon.  At 11:45 the agent turned up to set things up and the first punters arrived at 11:50!  As we bolted at 11:55 a further 3 cars were coming down the drive!  We left feeling positive.

In total 18 groups came through which I reckon was very good.   Apparently a few were looking for somewhere with good horse feed - in an area subject to 21 months of drought after a bushfire!  I don't think they had applied much thought to the matter!

Other points

Some neighbours have had their property on the market for about a year - most of the time with the agency who we passed over.  I got an email from them saying that their new agent was very good, and they have some serious interest in the place.  As they are nice folks that is very pleasing to hear.  (It also says good things about the local market!)

This next bit is not directly about buying and selling property but is an aftermath of a place in our street being purchased recently.  It was occupied simply by a small house.  Some energetic new owners have already erected a dog run, have something else being built (we're watching with interest to see what it turns into) and the slab for a very large shed/garage.  Today the frame of the shed was being erected.


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