Cleaning up (part of) Captains Flat Rd 2015

I felt that I was spinning my wheels a bit this afternoon so it seemed sensible to clear things for the morrow by doing my clean up a day early. As usual I covered Captains Flat Rd from Widgiewa Rd down to Briars-Sharrow Rd (about 500 linear metres). To a small extent I had already made a start a few days ago when a friend asked for old aluminium cans for use in an art work. I took about 15 undamaged ones to her. Here are a few thoughts about today's collection. The first image is to illustrate the point that not using plastic shopping bags doesn't necessarily make you environmentally aware. This bag was undamaged so has joined our collection at home. I wasn't able to peel much of these balloon remnants off the sign. It is sort of like the old bushwalking adage: if you can carry a full can or bottle into the bush, surely you can carry the empty one out. Why can't these folk come and take the balloons away after the party? I am always intereste...