50 shades of various colours

This continues our endeavours to visit every town in NSW.  The title refers to us staying in the Colours caravan park at Orange.  So the first possibility was "50 shades of Orange.  That may still get a run.

The first set of colours noted weren't exactly orange, but the fields we drove through did cover the spectrum between 'golden' and 'brown' fairly well.
 I had expected, from Google Maps, our route to go through Molong but the signs took an hypotenuse through Cargo, where we found a new Memorial!  Woo hoo!
 We got to Orange in fair time and erected the camper quite efficiently.  For some reason - not because of lacking offers of assistance - I ended up doing it more or less solo in about an hour.  Given that it was a few weeks since we'd done it, and we wanted the annex up, that was pretty good.  We decided that we'd start by having a bit of a look around the town.

The main aim of this was to go the Regional Gallery as we plan to go to Mudgee tomorrow and the gallery will be closed on Monday.  Outside the gallery was this memorial to Banjo Patterson who was born here.
The blue item to the left has a couple of verses from Mulga Bill's bicycle.  The square markers list the winners of a writing comp in the Banjo's memory.

A little further round was this work called The Well.  Definitely Quite Interesting.
This rather phallic item has all the plaques from Orange's efforts in the Tidy Towns awards. IMHO it is still doing a pragmatically good job, although apparently not getting recent gongs: erhaps they have stopped competing?
This next snap annoys me, as I can't remember who the sculptor was and can't so far find it on the net.  Thanks to my efficient friend Sandra I now know it was "Seed" by Bronwyn Oliver.  It was very attractive however.
Frances recommended I have a turn in the Gallery.  They seemed to have 3 shows going on, and I rated the one by Rosemary Valadon as very interesting due to the eminence of her models for women in pulp novels and the wit of their comments about the experience,  The show by Chris Langlois was excellent technique and really good .  The 3rd show was rather amateurish (IMHO - and my opinion is worth zip)!

We then set off to explore a bit more.  As we walked through a park I saw this guy who seemed to be getting plenty of interesting readings.  I presume he was mainly into small change left by picnickers.
 This commemorates Sir Neville Howse who was a surgeon and Mayor of Orange.  In the background is the Boer War Memorial.
This is the main Memorial complete with 11/11 wreaths.  In the background here is the Mt Canobolas Hotel with some interesting architecture.
Completing the War Memorials of Orange is thuis plaque about the tower on the Anglican Church.  We only found that as Frances noticed a sign from the Diocese shaking the can to maintain the tower!
I liked this sign in the street!
 An interesting shaped tree in front of the Memorial Hall.
Next door was the Town Hall.  It is now the office of OCTEC a service provider in the youth unemployment market.  They definitely seem to be on the side of the angels.
This attractive bush was in Cook Park - in the centre of town and effectively the arboretum  Unlike the Forest approach of the National Arboretum they only have 1 tree of each species - but some of them are monsters!
 They also do weedings. At least 3 were going off at 4pm!
Getting back to camp, and the title of this post, the next site seemed to have invited the 50 shades of grey nomad for a party.  Very jolly.  However they all nicked off at about 1845 and peace returned.  Basically nice folks!


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