ANPS does Tinderry NR

I'll start by echoing Ros's thanks to Roger and Christine for the garden tour, coffee and cakes after the walk. Good wishes to them for their Northern expedition. We were indeed lucky with the weather. Before leaving home it seemed cold and windy, but I, like most people, shed a layer during the day. While it did look a tad ominous towards the end ... ... no precipitation occurred. Getting on to the plants seen, I will begin with the orchids, or evidence thereof, seen. This was a surprisingly good haul, although the designation "sp." is very appropriate. The first plant spotted was Corunastylis sp. I didn't keep count of the number of colonies, let alone plants, seen but they were widely distributed throughout the area. A clear specimen of Speculantha sp. was found in a 'gone over ' condition. The timing of flowering given in The Book suggests that S. rubescens is the more likely of the two local species, but given the weir...