March updates

I will start off with a couple of unusual sightings that haven't made it elsewhere on the blog.
  • On 2 March when going down the drive on our dog walk a small (perhaps half normal size) wombat toddled across a hill, took a look at us and fled back towards the Creek.  Surprisingly, without the small dog spotting it.
  • The next day as we were returning from the walk we had the sun behind us and some dark, threatening clouds in front.  An excellent rainbow developed and we both realised it was ages since we had seen one!
Next we have a snap of a Gippsland Water Dragon (because they are interesting to look at)!
Now back to the usual updates and retractions!

This Blog
  • Some material about humidity and validation of the wind direction have been added to the February weather report.
  • Some comments on the onset of Autumnal weather added to the Iceman post.
  • A second fox sighting added
  • In February I posted about the issue of garbage collection.  The survey has now been completed with a very good 60% response rate and 60% of responses being opposed to the proposal.  Thus it is D_E_A_D!
Other blogs
  • Carwoola Birds has been updated with a post about our Frogmouths and another about migrants.
The Every-town Project
I have been asked a couple of times how the project is going.  The answer is 'pretty well'.  The Register of War Memorials includes 815 localities of which I have identified 93 as being in Metropolitan Sydney.  I regard tha as being a different thing to te extra-metropolitan towns so we have 722 in scope localities of which we have visited 71 (or about 10%).  The coverage is illustrated in this image of a map of NSW, with officially visited towns marked in mauve.


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