Some more beers

I happened to be passing Plonk recently and they had some very good specials which I couldn't resist, even though none of them were from Australia.  These have been tasted and the report follows.  Before getting to the beer, a bouquet goes from me to Plonk for them winning a 'best bottle shop award': well deserved

The first one consumed was a "Duchy Original Organic Select Ale".  In view of the owner of the label it is possible this will make my ears grow but it really was a very pleasant drop of ruby ale.  At 6% alcohol not to be trifled with.

They were offering a 6-pack of Monteith Winter Ale - a black Doppelbock style - for $9.90.  A most excellent stout from New Zealand.

One of the other customers in the store at the time had a computer with a list of 100 beers that her daughter liked and sought the assistance of the owner in finding them.  They were beers from the UK and Canada.  When I opined that they had better stick to the UK stuff, the owner of the store said that he'd got some really good Canadian beers which he then showed to me.  They were from Quebec, so possibly only marginally Canadian, but I thought his attitude was brilliant.  Notes to follow.

  • From Brasserie Dieu du Ciel I sampled Blanche du paradis.  This was almost a true Quebecois bier in that the only Anglais on the label was the ingredients.  I could work out it had coriander in it.  Very nice Belgian white-beer style: on a warm night one could get into much trouble with this as 5.5%.
  • The second offering from the Province which rejects "Stop" signs as too Anglo (unlike the residents of the country which surrounds Dieppe they use 'Arrete') was from Brasserie Mcauslan.  The offering was "Ale de ble a l'abricot".  This was, as expected, a very fine wheat beer flavoured with apricots.
Given that Quebec has now produced at least two good beers and is the home of Genticorum and Andre Marchand I am thinking of signing up for the Fleur de Lys!

A Canadian friend has responded by email "Yes, Quebec definitely has some great chuggins. There is one called "fin du monde". And that pretty much sums it up - at 9% alc. Higher than average chunder risk."


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