An early summer day in the life

Occasionally I think about the way we pass our time on the block and decide to share it with you.  Today was one of those days.

I woke earlyish to find that my new weather station was telling me that someone had left the fridge open outside.  The reading of 0.6C was consistent with the BoM recording for Canberra of 0.3C.

After fiddling with internet stuff I found that the Frogmouths had reappeared after a 13 day absence.  I have put a snap of this in my Frogmouth Update page  but thought this snip of the chicks eyes worth reproducing here.  As Bogart, in his role as Rick Blaine in Casablanca, would say "Here's looking at you, kid!"

Frances and I then went for our morning dog run.

After various chores I went to the top paddock to resume the battle against weeds.  The blackberries and briars are beginning to come into flower so now is a good time to spray them.  There were also opportunities to spud out a few monster thistles growing along Canyon Creek and the (relatively) few St John's Wort plants growing in the paddock.

My next task was to collect the latest edition of the Stoney Creek Gazette for distribution along our cul-de-sacs.  As I left our place I paused briefly to whup a few Serrated Tussocks in the revegetation paddock.  They were bagged and added to my fire pile.

Returning, after delivering 2/3rds of my Gazette round, I prowled the garden admiring the pretties.  Last year our friend Rob gave us some species gladioli and they start the images off.
 I could not remember the name of this one so thank Sandra for commenting that it is a species of Tradescantia!
 As well as pretty, the honeysuckle is a smelly!  Perhaps that should be "scented"?
 Again, no idea of name but it is pretty.  Sandra has again rescued me with the comment that it is  Lychnis coronaria.
 After several hours of weeding earlier in the week the bed outside our sun room is beginning to hit its straps.   The main contributors at the moment are Penstemons while the Salvias are still de-bonsaiing themselves.
 After a short run to deliver the remaining Gazettes it was time for a quick glass of red (Landhaus 'The Saint' 2010 Barossa Shiraz - very nice big Barossa red).  That was slightly interupted by some Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoos flying in to reduce the number of cones on our few pine trees.
Not a rip-your-shirt-off exciting day but a very pleasant one.


Anonymous said…
the purple 3-lobed flower is a species of Tradescantia (common name is spiderwort), and the pink one is Lychnis coronaria, which will seed freely around your garden. both very attractive.
Flabmeister said…
Thanks Sandra. I have updated the post.


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