Some season's firsts

On a prowl round our block this morning I achieved a few firsts for the place for this season.

The first two could have justified a heading of "Here come de beans!" since this was the first time I have found Dillwynnia sericea
and Pultenaea procumbens 

in flower here.  I was looking for orchids - mainly the small not-Caladenias - but instead found the first Glossodia major of the season on this place (after finding a truck load on Black Mountain yesterday.
By Friday 28 October there were many Glossodia out in the upper reaches of the block.  Nice to be able to show them to Denis.

I found a new colony (if you can call a single flower a colony) of Cyanicula caerulens but that wasn't a first for the block so have not included an image.  By the 28th this had well and truly gone over.

The final first for the block-season was a tail slithering under a rotting log.  Quite large and moving swiftly, so I didn't get a photo.  I am sure it was an Eastern Brown Snake.

Not on the block but beside Whiskers Creek Rd was the first Bearded Dragon of the season.  Unfortunately it was a tad flat and well attended by flies.  Some male puppy of mixed breed (a much nicer way of expressing the concept than mongrel s.o.b) had driven over it.

The next day we saw the first tortoise of the season on that road.  Fortunately well alive and only mildly sniffed by small dog before she was removed from the vicinity!


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