Odds and ends in Carwoola

This post is various things I photographed around the area today (and then added to over the month).  To some extent that makes it more or less a personal memoir rather than a great bit of journal-ism but someone might like it!

There are still a few Blue Finger Orchids around, 10 days after they first appeared, in contrast to last year where they seemed to appear and disappear within a couple of days.  Indeed one can never have too many images of these gems!
 Moving up the block a little I came across a small (say 2m square) carpet of Early Nancy's (Wurmbea dioeca).  They are the small white blobs in this image.
To give a better idea of the density of these lilies I have put a red circle on each flower!
A couple of days later we went past again and noticed that some of the female plants had been fertilised.
My attention was then drawn to a ringing ruckus of White-winged Chough calls.  This was just Choughs being Choughs but eventually all 9 of them flew into a Eucalyptus mannifera where one assumed the position on the communal nest.
Again a couple of days later, I got another shot, from a different angle.
On the lawn back at the house a pair of Eastern Rosellas found something to munch.
We have also got the first flowering Yam Daisies (Microseris lanceolata).  The first image shows a characteristic drooping bud
while the advanced flower follows.
As with the Blue Finger orchids, one can never have too many images of Tetrathecas.  This was a large clump found well up the property.
 My final on-property stop (on the day of initiating this post) was overlooking Whiskers Creek on to the Greening Australia direct seeding where the blossom on the Acacia decurrens and A. buxifolia stood out rather well.
I then had to go to Canberra and noticed en route the stalwarts of the Stoney Creek Bushfire Brigade assisting a landholder with a bit of clearing.
 In the city (or at least the suburb of Phillip) this graffiti caught my birdie eye.  Most unusually the taggers had got to it a little but it is still a good bit of work.


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