Black Mountain orchids and others

I was contacted by Denis to say he was coming to Canberra in the hope of finding a few orchids on Black Mountain and wondered if I would like to join him. Of course the answer was "Yes". So after a bit of excellent advice from Jean about where to go and what was flowering, we met on Belconnen Way and off we set to see what was around. We had a great time: 2 pairs of eyes are a lot better than 1, especially when one of the pairs are attached to Denis! What follows are my images of the flowers we saw. Denis will post some images on the Nature of Robbo when he returns home. I'll begin with a general habitat shot. Some of the areas we visited were not quite so badly burnt. At least they didn't fire the place up in peak flowering season and seem, unusually, to have kept it out of the crowns. In a creek line we found, as suggested, Myrmochila trapeziformis. Interestingly in the Australian Plant Name Index this has reverted to Chiloglottis ...