Like the beat, the weather goes on

I know the ownership of the phrase "The beat goes on" is down to Sonny and Cher, but I am sure they won't read this blog (especially Sonny).  Since putting in that somewhat tasteless comment I have found that the key item of US legislation about copyright is known as the Sonny Bono Act (by proponents thereof - the Mickey Mouse Act for those against the Act).

There were showers overnight and when I was fixing the coffee at  6:30 the precipitation was sleety.  Ninety minutes or so later while walking the small dog it was definitely snow (at 810m AMSL).  Fast forward to 9:30 (ie now) and my fingers are still cold.  Checking the rain gauge and we have had a further 5.5mm of precipitation, giving a total of 102.5mm for this event (so far).

The flow in Whiskers Creek is still heavy and unusually has built up a good head of foam.  I have no idea what has caused that today and not other days.
As foreshadowed in yesterday's epic post we attended the Murrumbateman Field Day today.    It was as cold and windy there as at home and there was a brief snow shower.  (We spoke briefly with a couple who had driven up (in conventional map terms or down in altitudinal terms) from Jindabyne and they reported having 10cm of snow on the ground when they left home.)  The ground was a bit soggy at the show.
Gumboots (aka 'wellies') were definitely within the dress code.  I only noticed one hero opting for the 'flow through' approach available with sandals.  He was also wearing footy shorts so presumably was still celebrating his team's AFL Grand Final win.


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