The tail of two queues

I apologise for two posts in one day. However such is life. As well as that break-through the bounds of decency, all the images in this were taken with my phone: wot a bogan! The Far queue The National Gallery has been running a show of Post-Impressionist stuff from the Musee D'Orsay . It is rather good and has been very popular: at the time of writing my guess is that they will be topping 400,000 visitors, and getting them through at about 6000 a day. With two and a half weeks to go they could well top the half million! This must have done miracles for the local accommodation industry. However there have been some issues with the length of the queues. The two images below show the first and second halves of the queue outside the door of the Gallery on about the 19th of March. In total they extended 240m and I counted 500 people in the queue. My guess would be another 150 inside the building. This queue goes to the door of the Natioal Portr...