Meanwhile, back at the ranch ....

No, not really back at Carwoola but back in Canberra.

We needed to come back to register the Pajero and came up on the Saturday to see balloons lift off on Sunday morning.  This also meant we'd be around for the Skyfire display which finishes off the Enlighten Festival.

The first evidence of the Festival was the caring ACT Government having closed off Parkes Way, so that it took 15 minutes, rather than 1, to get from Kings Avenue to Bunda St.  Why they don't just close the road completely is a mystery.  (Actually it isn't a mystery: its the only East West route in North Canberra.  The real mystery is why they allow so many events that require it to be closed.)

Just before 7 PM and right on schedule, a Globemaster did a fly past.  I thought this a nice shot of it coming past Bugs.
Then it did a level flight over the Lake.
As darkness approached - 1930 - we headed off down to the Lake.  We took Tammy as she's pretty deaf and doesn't seem to worry about thunderstorms.  She greatly enjoyed the walk down with lots of people to look at.  We got a spot right on the Lake - sitting with our legs dangling over the edge.

The Carillion looked Enlightened!  Incidentally that is how I have always spelled the word.  As it caused the spellchecker to have a hissy fit I have looked it up: buggrit, only the first "i" is needed!
Looking back towards Commonwealth Avenue.
As the night drew in the various lights people were wearing were apparent on Regatta Point.
The fireworks started with some loud bangs and a good lot of fire in the sky.

In contrast to our expectations Tammy could perceive  the pyrotechnics well.  And did not like them.  She was very scared so I carried her back towards home while Frances stayed for the show..  Once we'd got under Parkes Way Tammy settled down and while she sniffed this and that I took a few more photos.

This was the finale, by which time we were back near the Convention Centre.
The next morning I took Tammy over to Glebe Park for irrigation purposes.  There was quite a wind blowing, low cloud and drizzle.  The cloud is apparent in these shots towards Mount Ainslie ...
 .. and Black Mountain.
So at 0620 I checked the Balloon Fest site and the Director had cancelled this morning's lift off.  We went back to the Lake to view any tethered balloons and none were visible.  The wind had died down and the cloud lifted, so I suspect flying was possible.  However, the Director had to make his call an hour out when things looked less viable.  Imagine the shit that would fly if he'd said "OK" and one (or more) crashed.

Surprisingly a few minutes after returning home Frances spotted one coming by from the direction of the Airport.  Eventually 6 lifted off and drifted West over the City.
 From looking at this one I wondered if the pilots had decided to fly without passengers
 But this basket looks more populated.


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