This weeks Stakes

For some reason I had a bad nights sleep last night but being a fanatic rocked off to the BBQ Stakes at the Woden BBQ pit.  I thought it unlikely I was going to break any records, except for the greatest amount of time to complete the course, so set off early.

Another pooch had entered under the name of Molly.  Here she is snuffling at a Wabbit (sans ears at this stage of the event).
 A little bit into the run and another quadruped was seen.  I am reasonably sure that it would be against the rules to hijack it.
 As we went under Hindmarsh Drive there was clear evidence that a horse had been on the course but being dedicated to momentum (and good taste) I didn't snap that.  Going up to Oakey Hill I was travelling at such a velocity as to be able to take a snap of less substantial indications of cavalry.
On the general subject of indications, the Acacia dealbata along the back of the Chifley houses  was certainly making a loud announcement about Spring.
Coming back through Lyons I noticed this block being developed.  I assume it is a Fluffy knock-down, of which there are several on the course.  Was the man himself a stakester or did his victims just like houses we run past?
Driving home, as I left the Yass Rd takeaway in Queanbeyan (home of the worlds best hamburgers) i felt a stinging pain on my thigh.  It seemed to go away until I was well down Captains Flat Rd when it returned.  The Princess toughened himself up until I got home and found it to be a second indicator of Spring in the shape of a meat ant.  No idea where that leapt aboard.


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