Plants that are about to be bulldozed

On 29 August I had to take the Pajero in for a recall so had a couple of hours to fill. I decided that a walk along the proposed route of the Queanbeyan bypass would fit the bill rather well. Strolling through the streets of Queanbeyan to get to the area I recorded 14 species of birds. The most interesting were Straw-necked Ibis on the sports fields on Old Sydney Rd. These birds can be common, and in large flocks but in the recent past have not been so. I suspect they have all been out west, taking advantage of the floods from 2016. Neither of these two have the eponymous straws on the breast and they look glossy (but not Glossy). Once in to the base of the escarpment I found quite a bit of stuff in flower. The most obvious species was Acacia genistifolia . Acacia dealbata (Silver wattle) was also evident but I didn't photograph it. I am pretty sure - based on the juvenile leaves - that this was Acacia rubida . Defi...