A second walk even more in the black

After having our breakfast we decided the time had come to visit the top of the block to see what had happened up there. As we went up we couldn't avoid the sight of our good neighbour's and friends house in a twisted heap. I'm not putting anything more about that. Soon after we moved here I found a stump with roots attached that looked very like a Baobab tree from East Africa. They are known as Upside-down trees, so I planted it that way. Here it is, very happy in its position! RFS were here . This is our top dam with many less brambles than there were 10 days ago. There are still a few left unfortunately and I'm sure they will regrow, but we will deal with that when it happens. Blackberry jam is nice but these weeds need stomping more seriously than I have been able to do in the past. A little later Wildcare provided us with a bit more hay for roo feed which I have put up near the dam so the roos which come to drink can find it. ...