Native flowers also get going (mostly)

I went for a walk up the block today, mainly to see if I could find any sun orchids,  I did, but they were still only buds and thus not worth using up your bandwidth.  However there were a few other things of interest.

I start with yellow things and then have a foray into purple.

Diuris sulphurea has appeared in many spots ..
Diuris pardina is now present in large numbers at the Glossodia site.
Bulbine bulbosa is carpeting many p[addocks in the area generally.
Our most profuse bean of the egg and bacon group is Pultenaea procumbens.
Hibbertia obtusifolia is everywhere
The "other" Kunzea, K. parvifolia is hitting its straps.
The flowers are brilliant in close-up.
Another lily, Thysanotus patersonii
Finally a modest sized Phlebopus marginatus. It was about20cm across the top.


Judi Gray said…
Beautiful flowers! We have enjoyed the Bulbine Lily here also, but it has now finished flowering sadly - one of my many wildflower favourites.

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