Collared Sparrowhawk dines out

The faint hearted should note this is a post about a bird of prey and some of the later photographs show it preying rather graphically. The red colour is quite appropriate in that regard. For the past several weeks we have had a pair of accipiters (the genus for Goshawks and Sparrowhawks) lurking around the trees near the Creek. I am suspicious that they have nested there somewhere but have not yet found the nest tree. I've also found them very uncooperative in waiting for me to have binoculars and/or camera to hand when they have appeared. I haven't been game to make a definitive ID between Collared Sparrowhawk and Brown Goshawk, with an inclination to the former as one of the birds seems too small to be even a male Goshawk. However today I heard the distinctive call and got down to the trees pdq, with my kit. After a little bit of following the bird from tree to tree, with it carrying prey, it settled down for lunch. A few photos were taken. ...