Parabolic Tuesday

When I started this series I had in mind to make the titles ever-increasingly good.  That got a trifle difficult since unless you are Dr Pangloss (or work for something owned by Mr Jerry Hall) things don't always get better.  So I decided that a parabola model - first half increasing, second half declining - would be more normal.
I was taken by this bent tree with the inlet.  I think it is mainly because the murky light which graced the last two days made everything shine in tones of grey.
So we did the usual walk for our last morning: basically a lap of Karbeethong rather than the longer walk into town.  This was as always pleasant meeting a few folk (the tourists having nicked off and many of the locals having gone to their jobs) and seeing quite a few usual birds.

When we got back to the house a fat person was noticed up in a tree.  In subsequent conversation with Warwick the Painter he opined that this was probably a female as she was silent, rather than emitting the grunts typical of the males.  She seemed quite happy in her position, occasionally waking to munch some leaves.
A couple of Welcome Swallows perched outside the bedroom window and waited for me to put  down the vacuum cleaner and grab  my camera.
I ended up with 90 species seen around Mallacoota during the 6 days we were present.  Obviously the two days which included a visit to the poo pits got the highest scores of 63 and 66 species.
Bird of the Day didn't appear until we set off for home, with Bell Miner being recorded at Genoa.  The species is resident there so gets a low rating overall but is very rare around Canberra so saves another species for later.

We decided to drive via Cann River.  According to Google Maps, compared to the route using Imlay Road, it is about 9km longer and takes an extra 4 minutes (ie effectively the same) but it would make a change.  We stopped in Cann River to stretch and for me to have a pie from the Bakery (about 6.5, as it seemed to have more liquid than necessary).  I had a mistaken belief that it was on the coast but in fact it's about 25km inland so my hopes of Pacific Gull and Black-faced Cormorant were dashed.

Off up the highway.  Frances thought it was a more comfortable drive than Imlay Rd whereas I felt the traditional route was better.  Possibly I was influenced by having 4 folk in front of me who drove at unnecessarily erratic speeds relative to the limits and conditions.  There were showers and low cloud as we ascended to Bombala (temperature 13oC but Nimmitabel, the highest and usually coldest locale was a relatively balmy 16oC.

Basically a drive.  We got home and unpacked.  The overall rating of the trip was as usual, excellent.


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