Still in Mexico

For the benefit on any international readers (or folk from WA or Queensland which is almost the same thing) this just means "South of the Border" not the home of Dos Equis.

I missed dawn as such but thought the Inlet looked pretty good a short while later.
Due to some bonsai work on a tree, Gabo Island is now clearly visible from the deck.  That's it in the background, with the lighthouse visible after clicking.
The tourists are still here.  This is the scene at Betka Beach.  My guess is they'll all clear off on Tuesday to get the kiddies back to school.
Whoever runs the land around the waste-water treatment plant has decided there are more $$ to be made by storing caravans than agisting horses,
 An interesting decor.
Trust me, when it stops preening the white face is clearly visible!
In a far more distant tree this juvenile Wedge-tailed Eagle was looking away from us.  That is probably bad news for any slow rabbits in that direction.
Hooded Plovers in their usual spot were my bird of the day.  There were other contenders but this is the only place I know for them and we may not go back there this trip.
There were lots of waterfowl at the treatment plant.  My estimates were about 250 each of Grey and Chestnut Teal; 32 Black Swan; 12 Shelduck and about 150 Hoary-headed Grebes.  Plus a few of other species.
 On to flowers.  The only orchid so far: Diplodium roseum.
 Scaevola sp.
 Also Scaevola sp, but I think a different sp to the above.
 Thysanotus sp
 Not everything was purple.  This is a Persoonia.
 Some rather impressive Banksia serrata.
 Also at the poo pits was this very impressive Goanna (aka Lace Monitor - Varanus varius)  A good sized specimen at about 1.8m from nose to tail.  From the girth I'd say it was a gravid female.
 A couple of close ups of the head, under the spiffy image rule.

When I came back 20 minutes later she had completely vanished.  Whether she was fleeing me or just fed up with the Willie Wagtails that were mobbing it I don't know.

After tea we went for a stroll down to the Jetty.  Quite a bit of fishing was going on, in a rather odd light.  I find the image rather evocative.
These next photos resulted from Frances noting the full moon rising over the Inlet.
There is quite a bit of moisture in the air making the moon rather colourful.
 By 2045 it was a very spectacular sight.  Looking closely and the fruit bats are visible heading off over the Inlet.
 Here is a very blurry snap, but it gives an idea of the density of the flock.


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