The bats of Karbeethong

In my posts about our recent trip to Mallacoota I mentioned the colony of Grey-headed Fruit Bats a few times. Some close-up photos are in the later parts of an earlier post , while my best images of the flock in flight are here . I thought it might be interesting to record what we observed, based around some images snipped from Google Earth. This first images shows the 'suburb' of Karbeethong - about 5 km along the Inlet from the town of Mallacoota, with the green dot giving the position of the bat colony. There are two clues to the existence of the colony shown below. The first is the calls of the bats as they communicate with each other. These are clearly audible to humans within the yellow lines. That is what first alerted us to the existence of the colony. A second clue is the sharp aroma of bat guano which can be detected by my crummy honker within the brown lines. When we first observed them, in early 2015, we saw them from the house, st...