A benefit of rising early

When there is a little  cloud. brilliant sunrises can be seen.  This morning's was pretty good.  The business began at 07:02:34 and this photo taken from the house.
The next one was 50m down the drive at 07:05:15.
We  then set off on the dog walk and I took this near our gate at 06:08:44.  (If you look closely at the bottom of the image a light patch is the surface of a dam on a neighbour's land.  I think it is actually in the course of the Whiskers Fault!)
 This is pretty much a zoomed version of the above, taken 6 seconds later at 06:08:50!
The contrast between the grey cloud on the horizon, the duckshell blue and the orange is very attractive.  The mauve eye reminds me of many post-apocalytpic book covers!


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