Bird-a-day rolls through February 2014
The background to this project is summarised in the January report . At the start of the year I had an objective of getting to the end of the year. With the help of a few rarities, that looked easy. Early in February things began to look a tad bleak: would I have to start using my "savers" to get through this month? The answer is fortunately 'No." Before getting to what has been seen, I will note that I have changed the way I calculate my index, which guides me in choosing the bird I select each day, For reasons which now escape me I had calculated the index as the product of scores for Carwoola and the COG Area of Interest (COGAOI). Where the bird hadn't been recorded in Carwoola I gave it a notional score of 0.0001. As time has progressed I realised that this gave very low indexes to birds that were unusual in Carwoola but very easy to get in Canberra. For example: Australasian Darter index 0.000018 Australian Pelican index 0.007494...