The impact of record rainfall: 1 flood

This follows on from my post announcing that we had scored record rainfall this month.  I could have appended this and the next two posts to that one, but it would have made a very slow loading item.  To my surprise the rain did not put Whiskers Creek over our drive last night, but I did wonder how the Molonglo River was going at the low level crossing on Briars-Sharrow Rd.

So I fired up my bike and went for a ride.  The answer is that the River was well over  the road.  A ute (diesel 4x4) trying to get to Rossi had a pause ..
 and decided that as the water was only halfway up the marker poles they would be OK.
 And they were.  They had a brief conversation with a hatchback approaching from the other side who decided that whatsit was the better part of thingummyjig and did a u-turn.
A nice high truck with trailer also had a bit of a think and went for it.  Hope there was nothing soluble in the bottom of the trailer.
I went a bit further towards Captains Flat to see what was occurring at a spot on that road which often floods but it was clear.  When I got back to Briars-Sharrow Rd I was a bright yellow Plod-mobile turn down there.  He also wimped out: unfortunately I didn't get a snap of that, since I am sure the citizens of NSW would love to see one of the representatives of Highway Laura Norder being sensible.  (They'd probably rather see an image of one wading across the river leaving the Plod-mobile drowned in the middle.)

The next day was a bit damp around the house, earning itself its own post, and I thought I would insert this image (from 2 March) of the new Cotter Dam overtopping.
According to the Canberra Times the new dam is 11m higher than the old dam, which is completely submerged behind this wall.  The new is currently half its intended height.  The dam cam will be worth keeping an eye on!  Yes indeedy: here is a night time snap.


Denis Wilson said…
Disappointed not to see Plod-Mobile stuck and abandoned.
Denis Wilson said…
Mr Sullivan ought not make facetious comments about "building a new dam will break the drought".
His site manager is very relaxed about the millions of $s of machinery sitting on top of the wall.
Thanks for the update, Martin.

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