The impact of record rainfall: 3 Orchids

This is part 3 of a series about things related to the soggy Summer. While wandering about photographing the plethora of fungi I suddenly noticed about 20 greenhood flowers waving in the grass. Here is a close up of the labellum (more or less to prove I don't always trigger them). As there were no rosettes visible I concluded that this was a Diplodium sp rather than Pterostylis sp . That being the case green labellum suggests D. reflexum . This has since been confirmed by a couple of experts. Note from the future (2 March): I discovered another of these plants about 300m away, in a very similar habitat. Even further in the future! On 3 March I found yet another colony on Whiskers Creek Road - about 1km in a straight line form the initial lot. Here are a couple of images. The initial colony had completely 'gone over' by 7 March. In case anyone is interested here is a plot of the position of the three colonies (if the single plant ...