Big Rain
There has been much muttering on a weather forum about the rain event scheduled for today, which suggested huge rainfall for Sydney and the mountains West of there. This first image is a forecast from Metelogix from about 5 days ago. It's got a pretty palette (and actually seems pretty accurate)! This was the Weatherzone radar for NSW about 0530 on 28 November. Sydnet is already copping a big serve. Here is the BoM Doppler radar at 0630 showing the wind coming from the coast. The BoM radar at 0700 is interesting since, when set on loop, it showed moisture coming down from the North as well as that coming up from the Coast About 0830 there was a comment on the Forum from Lane Cove " 97mm since 5am here in cyclone like conditions". That was more or less reflected in comments in the SMH, which also covered delays at Sydney Airport due to strong winds. Yep the planes are going into holding patterns over Dalton (image from Flightr...