Lyrebirds and Shorebirds

After yesterday's exhausting activities we felt like a bludge this morning so drove to the halfway mark into town, parked and walked the second half of the walk. The excitement started with seeing 2 Azure Kingfishers at the town end of the lagoon loop. Unfortunately they were very active so no photo is available. Getting to the start of the Shady Gully Boardwalk Frances spotted a male Superb Lyrebird digging in the litter beside the road. It was very accommodating and we got within 10m of it. This is the best of my photographs. After getting nearly back "home" Frances spotted another Lyrebird on a track at the foot of Mt Karbeethong (or as it is officially known Karbeethong Avenue). I took some photos but think this one, taken later when I walked back down, is better. The reason I went back was to try to get some better photos of the remaining bats. I think I succeeded. A clump shot. This is my favourite: cropped from a larger i...