Some book Reviews
I have read some interesting books recently and have a couple more goodies just picked up at the library. Bird Sense This book by Tim Birkhead is extremely interesting if one is interested in birds (or indeed sensory issues with most anything - in many cases the author draws on other orders to show the development of knowledge about birds senses). Unfortunately it had to be returned to the library so I can't give chapter and verse on specifics. An issue that struck me particularly was in the discussion of sight where it appears that some species have good long-vision in one eye and good close vision in the other. This is explained in terms of structures in the eyes not simply an individual bird having issues. This somehow explains why Peregrine Falcons usually stoop in a swerve to the right! There was also discussion of the sense of being able to recognise magnetic fields. My only quibble is that in many cases I wish he had included the quantitative data, as ei...